Sunday, 7 August 2016

Walton Heath to Wolverhampton

Pushing onto my next two courses took me from Maidstone to Kent. I arrived at Walton Heath a day earlier than arranged but instead of playing the hole I went a found a wild camp spot on one of the many heaths. I scoped out a clearing for later and chilled out with some noodles and waited for it to start to go dark. The site was perfect and I didn't see anyone all night until I was making breakfast and said hello to a dog walker and two joggers. I went back to the course around 9am to meet the club pro and play my hole. I ended up playing the courses first hole. A very long par 3 with quite a big green which seem difficult to miss. True to form I missed it and had a chip and two putts for a bogey 4. Not to disappointed though as it would have been a good hit to reach the green with my tee shot. I was filmed on taking my tee shot and looking back at the footage I notice that I look up to see where the shot goes a fraction to early. I'll need to remember this going forward. It wasn't to bad through the day riding to Windsor where I stayed with my great auntie and we spent the evening overdosing on her favourite crappie TV shows CSI, Corrie and Walker Texas Ranger.
It's times like these I'm glad i dont have a TV.
The push to The Belfry took me through Leighton Buzzard then Milton Keynes where I had the unexpected pleasure of not having to see either town that much as the bike lanes went along the canal, through the parks and followed the train line. As Milton Keynes is mostly famous for road and islands I'm thankful that the cycling infrastructure is in place. The weather held out for my journey to the belfry where I had a great hour being shown round the club house by the director of golf Ian Knox. The venue is stunning and it's no wonder it's hosted the Ryder cup 3 times. I had a choice of the 18th or the 10th holes so I chose the 10th. It's the really famous par 4 hole where the legendary Seve Ballesteros drove the green in one shot and this has made it something all golfers want to try. I took an iron and laid up but then had an unofficial drive at the green just to see if I could do it. I can honestly say if I had been in the right direction it would have reached but unfortunately it went straight down the fairway to the side of the green. I left the course after taking a disappointing 7 but my spirits are high after just having the chance to play the hole. My total raised has now gone over the £1000 mark and is still climbing with only 5 holes played which is amazing. Next up the Yorkshire Triangle.

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